Discover a Haven of Wellness at Entreat

Welcome to Entreat, where your journey to mental and emotional well-being awaits. Nestled in a serene environment, our retreat offers a diverse range of activities designed to nourish your mind, body, and spirit. Join us and indulge in a transformative experience:

Yoga and Meditation

Unwind and reconnect with yourself


For presence and self-acceptance

Nature Immersion

Embrace nature's healing power

Artistic Expression

Creative art therapy self-exploration


Journal to express, cope, heal


Breathe, heal, expand consciously

Sound Healing

Harmony of mind, body, spirit

Digital Detox

Screen-free break for mental clarity

Mindset Coaching

Unlock growth and self-awareness

Bonfire Under the Stars

Bonfire: Stories under starlight

Energy Healing

Address blockages, restore vitality

Cocoa Ceremonies

Heart-opening spiritual journey