4-Day Singles Retreat


To ensure a seamless camp experience, we require a pre-booking call. Click the link below to set up a Zoom call.

We are thrilled to have you join our exciting camp adventure!

Date: TBD

Location: RAK Desert, UAE 

Cost: USD 2,000

Are you tired of navigating the complexities of singlehood alone? Do you yearn for a deeper connection with yourself and others? At Entreat, we understand the unique challenges that singles face on their journey to self-discovery and love. That’s why we’ve crafted a transformative program with you in mind.

The Challenges of Being Single

  1. Loneliness: Many singles experience feelings of isolation and loneliness, especially in a world that often prioritizes romantic partnerships.
  2. Self-Doubt: It’s common to question your worth and desirability when you’re single, leading to self-doubt and insecurity.
  3. Lack of Self-Care: Singles often neglect self-care as they focus on careers and other responsibilities, leaving little time for themselves.
  4. External Pressure: Society can exert pressure on singles to find a partner, which can be overwhelming and affect self-esteem.
  5. Unfulfilled Desires: The desire for deeper connections and love is universal, but it can be challenging to fulfill when single.
  6. Comparison: Constantly comparing your life to others can lead to feelings of inadequacy and discontent.
  7. Emotional Healing: Past relationships or experiences may have left emotional wounds that need healing and closure.

How Entreat Can Help

Our retreat is designed to address these challenges and guide you to lead a more fulfilling life:

  1. Connection and Community: Entreat brings together a diverse group of singles who share similar experiences. You’ll find a supportive community that understands and values your journey.
  2. Self-Discovery: Through guided activities and discussions, you’ll embark on a profound journey of self-discovery. You’ll gain a deeper understanding of your true self and your unique strengths.
  3. Self-Love and Care: We prioritize self-love and self-care practices, helping you build a foundation of self-worth and compassion. You’ll learn to prioritize your needs and well-being.
  4. Resilience to External Pressure: Our retreat equips you with the tools to navigate societal expectations and pressures confidently. You’ll embrace your single status with pride.
  5. Authentic Connections:Entreat fosters genuine connections with fellow participants. You’ll forge bonds based on authenticity, not just shared relationship status.
  6. Inner Healing: We provide a safe space for emotional healing and closure. You’ll address past wounds and move forward with a sense of emotional freedom.
  7. Mindful Living: Our retreat promotes mindfulness and self-awareness, helping you live in the present moment and find contentment within yourself.

Who Should Attend

  • Singles Seeking Connection: If you feel isolated or disconnected due to your single status and desire meaningful connections with like-minded individuals, Entreat is for you.
  • Self-Reflective Individuals: If you’re interested in exploring your inner world, understanding your strengths and weaknesses, and embarking on a journey of self-discovery, this retreat is the perfect opportunity.
  • Those in Need of Self-Care: If you’ve been neglecting self-care and want to prioritize your well-being, join us to learn how to love and care for yourself more deeply.
  • Individuals Facing Societal Pressure: If you’ve been affected by societal expectations and want to build resilience in the face of external pressure to find a partner, Entreat can provide you with valuable tools.
  • People Seeking Authentic Connections: If you’re tired of superficial interactions and yearn for authentic connections based on genuine understanding and shared experiences, this retreat is tailored to your needs.
  • Individuals in Need of Emotional Healing: If you’ve been carrying emotional wounds from past relationships or experiences and are ready to address them and move forward, Entreat offers a safe space for healing.
  • Mindful Living Enthusiasts: If you’re interested in mindfulness and self-awareness practices that can help you find contentment within yourself and live in the present moment, you’ll find these teachings at Entreat.
  • Those Committed to Self-Love and Self-Care: If you believe that self-love and self-care are fundamental to any successful relationship, including the one with yourself, this retreat aligns with your values.
  • Individuals of All Genders: Entreat welcomes people of all genders who are on the journey of self-discovery and self-acceptance, ensuring an inclusive and respectful environment for all.

Whether you’re looking to overcome challenges, foster connections, or simply embark on a path of personal growth and self-love, Entreat offers a supportive and nurturing space for you to thrive. Join us in this transformative journey towards a more fulfilling and interconnected life.


To ensure a seamless camp experience, we require a pre-booking call. Click the link below to set up a Zoom call.

We are thrilled to have you join our exciting camp adventure!

Date: TBD

Location: RAK Desert, UAE 

Cost: USD 2,000